The Future of Telesales
January 26, 2022 Comment off
By Jason Cutter
I have always been a “buyer” of leads/data/calls.
As a VP of Sales & Marketing (at several different companies), I was responsible for feeding the sales machine with opportunities and then ensuring they closed them at a profitable level.
Now, I work with inside, telesales call centers in similar capacities.
Going to performance lead-focused conferences is valuable, but when I heard about Contact.IO coming back, I knew it was going to be great.
My experience at Contact.IO 2021 was that, for the first time, I was a conference that made it clear the goal was to help sellers and buyers get in contact with prospective clients, and succeed at the complexities in the current landscape.
This is why I was so excited to speak about The Future Of Persuasive Telesales.
Getting someone on the phone is just the start of the process.
The days are long past where if you could just get enough leads, then your sales team can play the “numbers game” and close enough profitable sales.
Consumers have changed. What they are looking for is completely different than it was 20, or even 10 years ago.
In my session, I wanted sales ops leaders to understand than what consumers want is a guide.
They don’t need facts, figures, stats, features, benefits.
Of course, those items are an important part of moving consumers forward.
But what they are seeking is wisdom, not information. We all have the worlds knowledge at our fingertips.
If they are speaking with your salesperson it is to help solve a problem or accomplish a goal.
They need a Guide (Yoda) who understands how to apply wisdom to their challenge/journey.
They see themselves as the Hero in their story (Luke), and you need to make sure your reps understand their role.
I also shared the framework that I have perfected over the last 15 years of leading sales teams – the Authentic Persuasion Pathway.
It is the process your salespeople can use to play the part of Guide. To help consumers feel safe.
To shift your rep’s mindset from Order Taker (where “sales” and “selling” are dirty words) to seeing themselves as a professional.
Here are some of the key take-aways from my presentation:
- Salespeople should act like Guides, not Heroes
- Consumers don’t need information, they are seeking wisdom
- Make sure to provide a framework (like the Authentic Persuasion Pathway) for your salespeople
But first, ensure that your salespeople shift their mindset to seeing themselves as a Professional that understands their DUTY (Driven Until The Yes) to help the right prospects feel SAFE (Successful At Fear Elimination).
Yes – this sounds simple. Because it is.
And yes – that sounds totally different than the “standard” sales process of talking someone into buying by using longs of pressure, slick lines, features and benefits, closing tactics, takeaways, discounts (bribes), etc.
The old, classic sales process no longer works at scale with today’s consumers.
The Future Of Persuasive Telesales takes actually caring about the consumer’s success and guiding them across the finish line as a professional.
CTA (not sure what you wanted to use)
Jason Cutter is the CEO of Cutter Consulting Group, the author of Selling With Authentic Persuasion: Transform from Order Taker to Quota Breaker and the A Sales Consultant’s Guide To: series, host of the Authentic Persuasion Show, Scalable Call Center Sales, and Call Center Confidence with Cutter & Catt podcasts, a professional speaker, sales trainer and coach. Oh, and he has a bachelor’s degree in marine biology and tagged sharks for years before getting into sales.
If you want help with shifting your salespeople to become sales professionals and build a scalable sales operation, contact Jason Cutter – [email protected] or visit www.jasoncutter.com to find more of his content and programs.